Thursday, September 29, 2016

Minding my body, emotions and mind and a gift from my dog.

A human being has three parts that need to learn or be trained to work together. I have chosen to dump the junk of the past so to speak. Seriously, I have. There is no reason for me to carry another’s baggage with me everywhere I go every day.
                Just like anyone else I have had happy times and sad times, unfortunately the bad times seem to haunt me (Ooh October is coming, great time to talk about haunting.) and the happy times like to hide from my memory. So as I journey through this process of change, I decided to allow you to join me for some of it. This journey is one of those super personal things a person can choose to experience.
                So here’s the plan. Yes, I do have a plan. Go ahead giggle, many of you know I have a friend whose name is Procrastination. Those who know me best will wonder if my friend Procrastination will be a huge distraction for me. I hope not but you know that’s one of those habit things I need to change. Changing habits oh man that takes some serious work. I am ready to break a sweat. How about you?
                Here is tool number one of the tools I will be using to break these habits of mine. Ah yeah I did say habits plural. It was suggested to me by Dr. Laura Hall LCSW to listen to Kirk Duncan’s Building a Mind of Steel. I have and it makes so much sense to me. Practicing it on the other hand is just that right now practice. You know when a baby is first learning to walk they fall down and then try again. Let’s just say I am doing that.

 I am also trying to figure out how to make this journey funny, fun and well enjoyable for both myself and you my dear reader. Yes this time it’s me first for a while. I need to fix me before I can help someone else.
                Tool number two is that I discovered essential oils and I love them. I found a book at a convention I attended a few years ago and I have just really started to use this book. The name of this book is “A Modern Resource for Healing Emotions and Essential Oils” (Emotional Reference Guide 3rd Edition). I have chosen some emotions and the oils to diffuse for those emotions. Does it work? I guess we’ll see. Is this an FDA approved and researched method? Nope. Do I feel the oils are safe? Yes, most definitely. I have complete confidence in the brand I use. If you’re interested let me know and I’ll hook you up with the best on the market.

   You on the other hand can make that decision for yourself. I just have a few words of advice when it comes to choosing essential oils. Please, please, please make sure you are using quality, certified and third party tested oils. Yes they cost more but they have been scrutinized for impurities and flaws.
If an oil says not for internal use don’t use it internally that would be pretty dumb. Would you eat a Tide Pod? I hope not! Those are so concentrated and such nasty chemicals you or a child thinking its candy could get severe chemical burns internally and have problems for a long time. In my honest opinion oils are a million times safer than synthetic anything. They in my opinion are an amazing blessing in my life.
 I used to think people were crazy when they talked about using essential oils. I would say things like “Haha funny. There is no way I am touching that.” I was creeped out a lot by this whole essential oil idea.
This whole FAITH thing and the Proclamation deal I am working on is not separate from this. Weird I know. My childhood was rough and my teens were rough, there’s a lot of baggage I get to drop off and stop carrying.
The essential oils don’t work unless you do with emotional anything which is why I use the airomatic scent during relaxation hypnotherapy meditation practices.  My favorite mediations are on an app I put on my phone and ipad.

OH MAN!!! I am gagging on the smell that just assaulted my nasal passages!!! Are you kidding? My dog, yes my dog just dropped a loaded stink bomb on my carpet while I was typing this. My dogs are house trained and part of our family but sometimes they make my house reek!  Thank heavens for carpet shampooers and rolls and rolls of paper towels and plastic grocery bags to tie the stink up in after you clean it up. Remind me to tell you how I clean my carpets. You might find it funny.
Meet Bo the stink bomb dropper!

So now that the stink bomb has been cleaned up and I have essential oil (Peppermint) in my diffuser the nasty smell is gone. Totally off topic so let’s get back to my healing my mind and making it a mind of steel thing….
So I start and end my day with my vision board (a work in progress) then I put thoughts that need to go to prison in my prison book, and then read my happy thought journal followed by reading a very special document referred to as my Patriarchal Blessing.
 I chose a few emotions I want to work on, used the emotions and oils guide book to pick the oils I will use in my diffuser and the Heal Your Body meditation app by Glenn Harold. At bedtime I start my diffuser with the oils suggested, put my headphones on while listening to Glenn Harold.  Again I am not too great at the whole new habit thing so it’s a hit and miss right now. However, the first time I did do this it was one of the most eye opening experiences I’ve had in a very long time.
When I wake up one of the most important parts of this is to write down or describe any dreams I may or may not have had. I then pick through what I remember about my dream and put the bad thoughts in prison and then read my happy journal. Kirk Duncan does a much better job of describing what to do with the journals and how they work.

So here I am hopeful that I can get all three of the important parts of me to work together my soul, mind and body. This being such a personal thing I may only share bits and pieces of my journey but if you dive into the same tools I mentioned above you can take your own personal journey and do the same.

Best wishes,

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